Fritzia Irí
Landscape studies
Individual exhibition
66 million years ago on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, an asteroid impacted the earth transforming life until then known, this phenomenon resulted in the extinction of the species that reigned the earth and determined the beginning of a new order in the life of the planet. Rarely, beyond fiction, life as we now know it has suffered a global attack like the one we all live this year, a timely and direct attack on our species, selective and almost with the design of a macabre experiment but above all, an attack that already changed us all.
There is no doubt that in order to understand our present and to be able to imagine our future, the study of our past is indispensable, even far away from which there is only record between rocks or under the sea as is the case of the crater of Chicxulub.
Looking for clues in the most catastrophic past of our planet, I reached the center of the Chicxulub crater in Yucatan, wishing to allow myself to think about a possible future, armed with simple observation instruments, like looking for clues, but at the same time transforming a magnifying glass at every moment into a sphere of divination. The crater at first sight is only a landscape, a marine and a jungle, but in a context like the pandemic we live, it is oracle. 66 million years ago the strongest and largest species perished, today the attempt is for the weak, but not the weak by force of nature, the weak victims of systems, victims of mass poisoning by money or food productivity, victims of their circumstances from which it is almost impossible to escape.
An exhibition of return to the essentials, constructed of drawings and an installation about the landscape, his longing in confinement, his transformation, his exploitation and his duel.